Anonymous won't be deterred, and continues attacks
Shortly after learning Anonymous-affiliated LulzSec members were betrayed by their leader, Hector Xavier Monsegur, a.k.a. 'Sabu,' Anonymous retaliated by launching several fresh attacks.
The Antisec group attacked Panda Security's PandaLabs website, defacing the page and publicly mocking Sabu:
" has earned money working with law enforcement to lurk and snitch on Anonymous activists. They helped to jail 25 Anonymous in different countries and they were actively participating in our IRC channels trying to dox [obtain personal information about] many others."
Panda Lab officials said customer information wasn't compromised during the attack, which was directed towards an external Panda Labs server. Company technical director Luis Corrons believes his firm was targeted because of a supportive blog applauding action against Anonymous.
In a separate attack, hackers reportedly connected with Anonymous also attacked the Vatican's official website (

, crippling the site for a large portion of Wednesday. The targeted attack was justified for reasons ranging from actions against heretics, Inquisition book burning, and widespread child abuse by priests.
Hackers reportedly connected with Anonymous posted statements of support for their busted comrades, while also confirming attacks wouldn't stop.
Sabu's betrayal lead to a shakeup of the group, as it was the first major blow to the global hacker collective.
Sabu was originally arrested last June by federal authorities, and turned into a snitch to help bring down several others within the group. Despite global crackdowns against the group, it's unlikely Anonymous and any affiliate hacker groups are going to suddenly stop attacking high-profile targets.
Despite Sabu being seen as a leader of the group -- who turned on his own group in exchange for leniency -- the group will reorganize and select new senior leadership. In the past month, Anonymous posted an audio clip from a phone conversation between the FBI and Scotland Yard, while showing they can successfully plague authorities.
Source: BBC
Submitted by Christo [PCD]]
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